When Jaynee asked if I would do a guest post or two on Cootiehog, I was flattered and a bit reluctant. I rarely have much to say, and when I DO, it tends to lean toward the fluff. I won’t discuss politics, I won’t discuss The Mommy Wars, I shy away from book and movie reviews… I’m about as mundane as it gets.
But I do want to say this: Cooties–if you see this while you are away, please eat a tartiflette for me. When we were in London (nearly five years ago!), we stopped by a tartiflette stand in the South Bank area, and I have been thinking about tartiflettes ever since.
The vegetarian version of a tartiflette contains potatoes, onion, sappium, mushroom, double cream, and cheese reblochon. I have no idea what a reblochon is, but I can tell you that it is very good. As is sappium, I suppose. And you know that double cream can’t be bad.
Also, you MUST purchase Mr. Kipling Cherry Bakewell Tarts at the nearest grocery store. They come in a six pack, and your kids will love them. (Unless they’re crazy. And if your kids are anything like my kids, they ARE crazy. If your kids are anything like my kids, they will wrinkle their noses at the tarts and demand Skittles. And that’s okay. Because: More tarts for you.)
I knew that was fluidpudding as soon as I read the title!
Now I want tarts and tartiflettes. Sigh.