Take a Day…Get a Week’s Worth of Work

Stupid me, taking Friday off from work.

My desk was COVERED IN folders and dictation tapes when I got in this morning. It was as though NO TEMP was here at all on Friday!!

So I’ve been buried in work all morning and am only now surfacing, having done all but two tapes. Mr. BIL just went to lunch and I think I’m going to go grab some food myself.

I have mostly recovered from Blogathon this past weekend. Went to bed early (for me) last night and slept soundly til morning. Between my two blogs that I ‘thoned for, I got almost $500 in pledges, which makes me very happy. That’s my highest total yet for a Blogathon. Next year I’m definitely gonna hype the art website blogathon more at work and see what happens.

This week should be quiet for the most part. Tonight I’ll do my mom’s newsletter for her tea company, and then on Friday I leave directly from work to go to Virginia to help my sister and her family move into their new place.

My cassette adapter that I use in my car to listen to my MP3 player is shot. The cord got stretched out and somewhere in there the connection isn’t made anymore. I don’t hear music out of the right speakers AT ALL anymore and the left speaker comes in and out when I jiggle the cord around. I ordered a new one from Amazon last week and it’s on BACKORDER, which sucks since – hello – two 6-hr car rides on Friday and Sunday! We have another one in the house somewhere with our portable DVD player but I went looking for that this morning and couldn’t find it. Denis likes to hide things in totally random places (me – I’d keep the portable DVD player in the big entertainment center, but Denis likes to keep it in the ________ (fill in the blank, Denis, so I can find it tonight)). I remember a few months ago I was looking for the spackle. Our toolbox is in the hall closet, but I couldn’t find spackle. In our old house, the spackle and wood putty were kept in the same vicinity as the toolbox. It was that way for five years.

“Where is the spackle?” I asked Denis.

“In the shed out back.”

….why on earth would SPACKLE be in the shed in the backyard with the lawnmower and snowblower? Does that make sense to you? Why not keep it with the screwdrivers and hammers and nails in the hall closet?

So really, the DVD player could be almost ANYwhere.

Okay, off to lunch!

05 comments on “Take a Day…Get a Week’s Worth of Work

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Wow, pot calling the kettle black. If I had a nickel for every item that was randomly placed around the house by you, I’d be sipping pina colada’s on Maui right now.

    And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    Sometimes I drive with 1 headphone in – that’s possibly against the law, though…

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Cristan – I know it’s illegal to have BOTH ears plugged in, but if ONE was illegal then what’s the point of Bluetooth?

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