
Today CootieGirl and I got haircuts. My hair was pretty shapeless and was due for some styling, so I got that taken care of. CootieGirl was okay with the idea of getting her hair cut, but once the time actually came she got very nervous and didn’t want to do it. However, she sat on my lap and with minimal protest the back of her hair was evened out. Next time we wash her hair I look forward to seeing more curls now that some of the weight of her hair has been removed.

We then met up with Denis and CootieBoy at the new house, where Denis took over more stuff. Upon arrival I immediately did a second coat on the two blues and will go back in a bit to do the first coat of green on CootieGirl’s mural.

The kids took late naps today since we were at the house until at least 2 p.m. (and they didn’t actually go to sleep until 4 p.m. because they insisted on talking to each other for two hours after I put them down for a nap), and are rarin’ to go even though it’s 8 p.m. right now. So we’re going to separate and conquer – CootieGirl is coming with me to the house and CootieBoy will stay here with Denis. Between the two of us we should be able to efficiently tire them out so that they’ll go to bed at a decent time instead of being up until OUR bedtimes.

Denis loaded up the van with more stuff to take to the house. He’s determined to move as much as possible before the actual moving day, and he’s doing a great job thusfar.

Update at 10:39 p.m.: Here is a picture of our progress – we painted the green on tonight after doing the second coat of blue this morning.