I know, I know, I know. It’s been almost a week. What can I say -I’ve got nothing to talk about!
I’ve got no job, and no real prospects. None of the three jobs for which I interviewed have called. So I’m pushing them out of my mind entirely, presuming I’m not getting offers. Hard to believe, given my skills and experience. I’ve sent out about 10 resumes this week – despite having no job, the want ads are picking up. Of course, knowing that 1800 people are probably sending in their resume, too, makes it hard to get excited about any job listing I see.
The kids are doing well with school, and are enjoying it. CootieBoy got in trouble for playing. During lunch. Since when do you get in trouble for cutting up in a loud cafeteria? Well, apparently he did. He was worried when he got home that he’d be in trouble, and I quickly told him that I wasn’t mad – he didn’t do anything wrong since it was lunchtime, despite what his teachers told him.
So today I cancelled my RealPlayer feeds for Big Brother 11. Now that Jeff, my favorite houseguest, has been evicted, there’s no reason to watch the live feeds. I was hoping he’d win the whole thing. Oh well. When I called to cancel, the customer service guy was hilarious. The minute I said, “I want to cancel my Superpass,” he responded, “I guess you are a Jeff fan, too?” Apparently they’ve been getting a lot of SuperPass cancellations today now that he got the boot! HA! He’s the reason I signed up for SP, he’s the reason I’m cancelling. And I’m not the only one!
We have no travel plans for Labor Day weekend. We’re heading to a local festival tomorrow, then cheap bowling ($1 a game!) on Sunday, and a neighborhood pool party on Monday. The days of working on my bitchin’ tan are coming to and end (and I can tell – my tan is already fading).
Denis goes away next week on a business trip to Atlanta. So I’ll be alone with the kids from Thursday – Sunday. He’s going on two trips in October. First to NYC to hang with his pals, then to Indianapolis. All in one week. Fortunately school is in session otherwise I think I’d go insane being alone with the kids day and night for 6-7 days straight.
I’m itching for a vacation, and may see if Denis wants to go to the Caribbean next April for our 13th anniversary. We can’t really afford it, but we have a timeshare week that expires in May 2010, so rather than lose it I’d like to go ahead and book something. And if I start saving for it now then we may be able to do another “all cash” vacation like we did for Disney last year. I had thought about trying to use it to book my trip to go volunteer for a week at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary but nothing is available and I’m not sure if anything will open up in time.
That’s it for now.
Just bear in mind that we are probably unavailable to take care of the kids in April.