Speechless is Canceled, and I’m Left, Well, Speechless.

A few weeks ago I heard that the tv show “Speechless” was officially canceled after three seasons.  I was very sad because I loved that show from the very beginning,  The cast was fantastic, the family was fantastic, and there were so, so many laugh out loud moments that came out of small things on this show.

And if nothing else, it gave me this clip:

I will always love that clip because throughout the song you can see the family members begin bopping along – starting at 34 seconds in with the dad in the foreground, up until the very end – each family member (except Maya the Mum) starts feeling the groove. That’s what makes me laugh the hardest and I’ve watched that clip too many times to count.

If you didn’t watch the show, my hope is that it makes its way to Netflix someday and that you’ll take the time to watch all three seasons. The dad, played by John Ross Bowie, is one of my favorite TV dads in a long time. It’s funny but emotional, honest but playful, and at its core shows a family who, no matter the circumstances, will always come together and support each other no matter what.