Today I got an email from Cootieboy’s teacher announcing that the results were in for the CogAt/ITBS testing for the gifted/talented program in our area. I don’t remember Cootiegirl taking these tests last year, but CB took them about two months ago.
Upon arriving home I opened up his letter and started to look at test results that made no sense to me whatsoever. There was NO explanation of the scoring. Fortunately, the next page explained everything:
“A review of your student’s scores on the CogAT and ITBS has been conducted, and we are pleased to inform you that your student is eligible for the academically gifted program.”
He’s in! On the ITBS he scored in the 97th percentile (stanine: 9) for reading comprehension, and 93rd for the math (stanine: 8). The stanines are apparently what are mostly used to determine if a child should go into the g/t program, and scores of 8 and 9 basically mean, “Yes, that kid needs to be in the program.” And what’s great is that once he’s in, he’s in for life or until he moves out of the school district.
So fantastic, and I’m proud of him.
Impressive – The little dude is amazing!
Did you do anything specific to prepare him in advance? Or does he just have his brilliant Mommas natural brain genes
Heh – Denis is taking credit for the success on Facebook. We didn’t do anything to prep for the test – to be honest, we didn’t even know they were taking place, or if we did, what they were for.