Speaking of Reading…

Funny that I was just talking about reading, when I found out about this website that offers Free ebooks to people- or, more importantly, a portal to find free books! Given the amount of money most people spend on books, this websites seems like a good option for those who just want to spend a little time reading without having to run out to a library to check out a book they can only have for two weeks. The much easier alternative is to see if eBookLobby has a link to the book you want/need and let it do the work for you.

For example, I went into their Children’s Books category and saw they listed The Emperor’s New Clothes – when I clicked on the link it took me to a HUGE list of children’s books not just including The Emperor’s New Clothes but several dozen other beloved children’s tales! The website is very clickable in that one click will lead to another click which leads to another – and each link provides interesting reading choices for you. In one such case, the link for The Jungle Book led me to a website that had the entire book, but divided it up into chapters and poems – so if you only wanted one particular poem, you didn’t have to surf through the whole book but could just click on the link for the particular poem you wanted/needed.

What a great resource, and I hope it continues to grow it’s content.