Sometimes It Pays To Work Like A Dog

Well, I’m shocked. I managed to get six of the seven items done that Mr. Russell wanted. All that’s left is the year-end holiday cards, which I can’t do until he overnights me the list of folks he intends to send cards to. And at this point, I honestly doubt he’ll actually send me the list even though I provided him with the DHL envelope and completed label.

I am really surprised I got everything done – but then again, I’ve been left alone all morning and was able to just get cranking on the list. Once I actually got into the files to find the call reports I needed to type, there were really only about a dozen total among the 100 or so folders I had to look through. I didn’t realize I got so caught up with call reports before Thanksgiving, but I did.

So this afternoon I will tackle my own filing cabinet, which is in a shambles after the move back into my cubicle last week. Then I believe I’ll head home for the day.