Last night I went to our local Garden Ridge store to do some post-Christmas shopping. The store was PACKED with Christmas stuff before the holiday, so I figured that even though I was going on the second day after Christmas there should be some good stuff left. Not so. It was slim pickings.
Despite this, I managed to buy some Christmas cards, gorgeous ribbon (that Denis is convinced I won’t ever use), wrapping paper, bows, and other small decorative things. They also had a cute mirror on sale that I bought for the guest room since we currently don’t have a mirror in there. In all I spent $116 and saved $98 in discount pricing. And we have enough wrapping paper that we shouldn’t have to buy paper for at least 5-6 years. And the ribbon is not so Christmas-centric that I can’t use it throughout the year.
The main goal of going last night was to buy a new Christmas tree. I just really liked my parents’ tree – it’s 9 feet, pre-lit, with sporadic twinkling lights here and there. Just a really nice effect and a good looking tree. Before the holiday Garden Ridge had 100s of trees. Last night they had about a dozen, and most were 6 feet tall. Our current tree is 7 1/2 feet tall, and I was hoping to get an 8 1/2 footer. Oh well. Maybe someplace will have a “Christmas in July” sale and I can get a tree then.
Denis also had no luck with shopping yesterday – he said most of the stores had completed removed all signs of Christmas when he went yesterday morning. He was able to score a few boxes of Christmas cards though. So we’re fully restocked on cards now. But still – very disappointing that we couldn’t take advantage of more sales.