So Much For A Restful Few Days

This morning I arrived at work to find my desk covered in tapes and folders. Apparently Mr. BIL did more than a few hours work in the office yesterday while everyone else was home keeping warm. I wish I had come in yesterday like it was a normal day – it’s going to take three full days to clear off my desk because Mr. BIL had four hours of uninterrupted time yesterday! I had really hoped that I could concentrate on my stack of filing and then just kind of CHILL. Now it’s looking like I won’t even get to the filing until next week.

I did a few piddling things this morning (some billing, some responses to emails, scheduling some meetings) and now about to begin work on a 14 minutes dictation tape, which translates into about an hour of work. And the tape after that looks a bit longer than 14 minutes.

My commute this morning was nice and quick – mostly because a lot of schools opened two hours late this morning (no idea why – the roads were dry as a bone). I left ten minutes late from the house and still managed to get here right on time. LOVE THAT.

Okay, off to transcribe. More this afternoon, I’m sure.