So It’s Noticeable

Today I had my first quarter review (I know, right? It seems so soon considering my annual review just took place in February). It did not go well. It began with Mr. Russell asking me if I had any comments on the quarter and I immediately said that I know I’ve been scattered and forgetful recently. He said, “I’m glad you brought that up, because I *did* notice that and wanted to talk about it today.”

Yikes. I was hoping it wasn’t THAT noticeable that I’m not in a headspace right now to even care about work given our financial situation at home. I was hoping I was kind of keeping it together for the most part.

But apparently not. Fortunately, Mr. Russell was nice about it (and was kind when I started crying. Yes. I cried. Or rather, I welled up when I admitted that my mind has been focused on home matters for the past month or so). He said he wouldn’t “ding” my quarterly review with low marks, but expected my work to improve in the second quarter so that he wouldn’t have to ding me in the second review.

I told him that I’d try to be more detail-conscious and be in workmode while at work and try not to obsess about home stuff while I’m here.

Yeah, like THAT will happen. But I can at least try.