So this morning at 6:15 a.m. I woke up and looked out the window to see snow, glorious snow. I called my work and found a voicemail from The Prez stating that we’d have a late opening – 11 a.m. The kids miraculously slept in, so Denis and I hung out in bed for a while then just when the kids were waking up at 8:11 a.m. I called my voicemail again because by that point the snow was really coming down, and The Prez had left another message saying that because of the continuing snow and the prediction of impending sleet that the office would be closed for the day.
FREE DAY OFF! :cheer:
That’s awesome because Denis and I had a lot to do to prep for the White Elephant party tomorrow night and we wondered how we’d get it all done with me at work all day.
Denis took the kids to daycare so we don’t have to worry about them for the next six hours, and we’ll concentrate on doing as much food prep, cleaning up (mainly kids toys), putting out a few more Xmas decorations and last minute shopping (yes, we’ll go out and shop in this weather).
We’ve already had a couple cancellations for tomorrow (we knew it would happen). Our neighbors D&L aren’t coming and a former co-worker and her friend are not coming. So we’re down to 30 attendees as of this morning.