Sleep, Blessed Sleep

How wonderful to gain that hour back this morning! Last night I fell asleep watching tv (shocker, I know). When I woke up the clocks said 12:45 a.m. but it was AWESOME knowing that in actuality it wasn’t even midnight yet. I turned out the light and went upstairs for a blissful night’s sleep.

The only interruption came when CootieBoy came in claiming he had wet the bed at some point in the middle of the night. Fortunately, he just had a really wet pull-up which was quickly changed. Then he didn’t want to go back to sleep in his own bed by himself, so I laid down next to him for a few minutes until I heard his breathing even out, then I crept out of the room and rejoined Denis.

In other news, Denis and CootieGirl are not feeling well – Denis with a cold and CootieGirl with a cough. So CootieBoy and I went to church by ourselves this morning.

Today is laundry day at Casa Cootie. Oh joy.