Sick Cooties

CootieBoy has been sick since Sunday – runny nose, fever, irritability, inability to sleep soundly. Poor little guy is just exhausted. Last night he woke up around midnight and after changing his diaper and cleaning his nose (he had had a nosebleed at somepoint after we put him down), I opted to cuddle with him and keep him upright for a while until his nose dried out. By 1:20 a.m. he was pretty settled, so I put him back in his crib where he slept til this morning.

But I guess my exposure to his constant sneezes, sniffles and snot has taken a toll – I am now suffering from the same congestion. I think Denis is going to call the pediatrician today to see if he can pick up some allergy meds for CootieBoy because we’re almost positive that a good portion of his illness comes from allergies. We’ve had such lovely weather here in the past week that it’s a guarantee that all the outside time he’s had has kicked up something.

03 comments on “Sick Cooties

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Aw, poor thing. If it’s allergies, you wouldn’t have caught anything from him.

    I guess I escaped just in time. đŸ˜‰

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