Shopping Therapy

In a bit of therapy from last night’s fiasco, Denis and I took the kids to the outlets in Gaffney, SC, which is about an hour away. As soon as we arrived CootieBoy decided he was too tired to participate, and since we didn’t bring the stroller, it meant that I carried him in my arms. For four hours.

We mainly shopped for the kids – we got them a lot of spring/summer clothes since they will have outgrown the majority of the clothes they wore last year. In fact, I just went through CootieGirl’s closet and removed 3/4ths of the clothes because they were too small. Fortunately, we bought her about 10-15 new outfits and dresses so she’s good for a while. She had a blast shopping and would walk into the stores like she owned the place, pointing at the things she wanted like some Hollywood starlet with cash to burn.

CootieBoy got some new shirts, lots of shorts (they were $1 each at one store!) and a couple pairs of pants. And socks. Mommy got three summer shirts and a pair of pants for work. And socks. Daddy got two shirts for work. No socks. CootieBoy and I also got a book each at the discount bookstore (I paid $6 for a hardback and CootieBoy’s hardback was $2).

Upon arriving home CootieBoy was in a miserable mood, mainly because he was hungry. He didn’t eat anything when we had lunch at the outlets, so I knew that’s why he was crabby. And sure enough, for dinner he gobbled down a cup of grapes, 1/4 cup strawberries, three eggs whites scrambled, and some pasta with meatballs. He’s going through an egg phase right now where he wants eggs for every meal. So I’ve been making him three scrambled eggs but leaving in only one egg yolk each time so it’s a little healthier. CootieGirl, also being very picky lately and never one to eat a lot *anyway*, ate 1/2 cup grapes, 1 cup strawberries and a banana.

They are now in the TV room watching “The Lion King” and when that’s over I know they’ll both pass out in bed for the night.

So that’s our day. How was yours?

04 comments on “Shopping Therapy

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    We had a good day which was spent primarily at the church ~ Dad had Bible study from 7-9am; I arrived at 8:30am for a 9:00am start to the Leadership Conference which we both attended ’til 1:30; home for a short break ’til Dad went back at 3:00 to practice Media Shout for the 5:30pm service; I arrived at 5:15 for Welcome Crew duties; we left church at 8:00pm after enjoying free pizza and fellowship after the service. Dad went to bed right away, shortly after getting home and I am heading there now. Weather permitting in the morning we are going to a 9:40am showing of “Amazing Grace.” Gotta love Saturday church.

  • kellybf , Direct link to comment

    I did the outlets last weekend for the Presidents’ Day sales. The entire Oshkosh store was 50% off, and I found some cute things at Carter’s too. My little one stayed in her stroller, though! Four hours is a long time to tote a toddler.

    Yes, I’m a night owl. 🙂 I love the quiet house at night, but I pay for it in the morning.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Jaynee and I shared some of the toting and it was four hours if you count CootieBoy’s walking time as well.

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    Don’t you wish you could get a whole new wardrobe twice a year like the kids do?

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