That was what one of the paralegals said to Mr. BIL when he attempted to foist off some more work onto me. And blessed is that paralegal because it guilted Mr. BIL into actually helping me clear my desk!
The previous post had me with 20 tasks in need of doing. In the three hours since I got back from lunch, I have managed to complete ten of them. How awesome is that? I can now see Mr. BIL’s entire face when he’s sitting at his desk, and 1/3 of my desk surface is now visible! I haven’t seen my desk surface since MARCH, and that’s no joke.
All afternoon I kept thanking the paralegal for her innocent comment because she really helped me out. She kept laughing whenever I’d thank her, and I’d say, “No, seriously – YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!!!”
The only weird moment came a few minutes ago. I returned to my desk to find one small stack had been messed with. It’s not an important stack – merely some things that I keep close by so that they don’t get lost. Meeting cards, hearing notices, conference reservations. Mr. BIL had taken it upon himself to go through them all and didn’t put the stack back into neat order. I joked that it felt like high school again when I could TELL that my mother had been in my room but didn’t quite know what she had been able to discover.
*NOTE: I was a goody-goody in high school, so there wasn’t much to discover*
So anyway, tomorrow I know of at least three tasks that I want to get out the door, and I honestly think I’ll be able to do it now that half my task list is empty. YAY!!!!
You will find out for yourself that moms know everything, even without snooping.
I curious what you do know, but dollars to donuts, there are some things Jaynee will take to the grave, I bet.
There are things I know that she doesn’t know I know. And nobody snitched.
With respect to my own kids, there are some things I know that they don’t know I know because I don’t want to admit it’s so!
So much intrique. The suspense is killing me.