Secret Shopping

So Denis was reading a trade mag last month and saw a report about a Secret Shopping company that is legit as opposed to an internet scam. They boast such clients as Yankee Candle and Delia*s. After I read the article for myself, I figured I’d give it a shot.

I signed up, but they have NO OPPS in my area. In fact, I almost signed up to do an opp in New York City when I went up for my Xanadu weekend but didn’t feel like going downtown while I was there. But in the 5-6 weeks since I signed up, there have been NO OPPS in my area.

Today I get an email – they are trying to find someone to do this one particular opp in Charlotte and NO ONE will sign up for it. So I emailed the rep and said that if they’d loosen up their deadline for the final report I’d do it. She said she just might take me up on the offer and will get back to me.

So we’ll see – my secret shopping “career” may take flight this weekend.

My fingers? In many pots, people!!!