Scooped…And Foiled Again!

This morning, rather than ask me if I wanted to come in and work overtime this weekend, Mr. BIL had our HR person send out an email to all staff requesting someone to come in and work overtime for him and another attorney. They have a HUGE case going to court and it involves a LOT of paperwork – this means copies, binders, labels, and general cleaning up of the files to get ready for court next week.

I have NO IDEA why he didn’t just ask me if I’d come in this weekend. I totally would have, because any extra money is helpful. Sadly, by the time I checked with Denis about any plans we might have this weekend, the spot was taken by another staffer. So no OT for Jaynee this weekend.

I’m very bummed. And I’m TOTALLY taking Mr. BIL to task for not just coming to me first.