The school supply lists came out this weekend for our local schools. Tonight I’ll take CG over to Target/OfficeMax/Wal-Mart and help her pick up what she needs. I can’t believe she’s starting kindergarten in a few short weeks.
Someone asked me if I’m going to cry when we take her for that first day of kindergarten. The answer? Uh…no. I’m not that kind of mom. If anything, I’ll do a little jig and dance because it means our daycare expenses will be reduced by about $150/month. That $150 can go towards paying off debt, baby. That’s worth celebrating! *lol* I’m sure CG will do fine once she adjusts to the idea of being in two schools each day. And she’ll still get to do all the fun stuff at after school care (today she is going rollerskating – can’t wait to hear how she does with that).
It’s CB that I worry about – as independent as he is, he loves his sister and I’m sure it’ll be a big adjustment for him to go to daycare on his own with me while big sis leaves with daddy for kindergarten. I predict the first couple days of that will be difficult.
In other CG news: CAMP MARMIE STARTS FRIDAY! We’ll be leaving around 10:30 a.m. for Virginia, where CG will enjoy a fun-filled adventure with Marmie and Pop while Denis and I get a break and can enjoy a quiet week with CB.
So… 6 hours to get here? That means you’ll be at Marmie’s by around 5:30 at the latest.
If we get our act in gear, maybe we can swing by to see you guys before we leave the next day.
It may take other people 6 hours, but it won’t take ME six hours. More like five.
Dude, it takes us 7.