Rough Morning

It’s Friday. It should be an easy day. Especially following my Jane Day yesterday.

But no. It’s not easy.

Mr. BIL’s first client showed up 10 minutes early for her 9:30 a.m. appt.
Mr. BIL’s second client showed up 30 minutes early for her 10:30 a.m. appt.
Mr. BIL had a client NOT EVEN SCHEDULED show up to meet with him at 10:00 a.m..
Mr. BIL then had a 4th client show up at 10:30 for his 11:00 a.m. appoint

That resulted in the PERFECT STORM at about 10:30 a.m. Why on earth are all of his clients showing up so early to their appointments? It’s ridiculous!

He got the 10 Minute appointment done, then went in to meet with the Unscheduled Client despite the 30 Minute client being here. The 30 Minute appointment has been gracious, and is patiently waiting, even though Mr. BIL is now 30 minutes LATE for their original 10:30 a.m. meeting. *sigh* I dealt with 4th Client on my own this morning since Mr. BIL was in meetings and 4th Client was merely signing a couple documents that Mr. BIL had already finalized.

The rest of the day isn’t going to be much better – starting at 2 p.m. he has three back to back meetings that will go until about 5:30 p.m.

I was joking with Mr. BIL that I was thisclose to calling in today so I could prolong my Jane Day into two days. He laughed and said, “I would have freaked out if you weren’t here today.”