This morning I suffered through the second half of my second root canal. Last week? Easy peasy. This morning? Not so much. My gums are REALLY sore right now, because it took him SIX TIMES to get the clamp around my tooth. They are shredded right now because every time I swallowed the clamp would scrape my gums even more.
Add on to that that I requested that he NOT give me five shots of anesthetic like last week, so that I’d be able to function at work. He gave me TWO shots this time, but then opened up the tooth and shot the tooth full of local anesthetic as well. A few times.
But. And this is a big butt. I still felt jabs of pain. The reason, as he explained to me after-the-fact, is that two of the roots rest against my jawbone. Jawbones done become numb by anesthetic. But they do still feel pressure that feels like pain. So when he was working on those two particular roots, I kept feelin these pinpricks of pain when he’d get to the bottom of the root were it rested against the jawbone. And I’d flinched, causing my swallow reflex to activate, causing the clamp around my gums to move and scrape my gums. So it was a never-ending cycle of pressure, flinch, swallow, scrape. Miserable.
When he was done he took an x-ray of the tooth and that’s when he showed me the roots resting against the jawbone and explained why I felt pain. He also said that because of the way my roots rest, it’s quite possible I’ll feel even more pain than I did after the last root canal, since the other tooth had shorter roots that didn’t rub against any bone.
So I’m here at work, with a sore mouth (and jaw – but thank HEAVENS he didn’t put that clamp in my mouth that forced it open an ungodly amount). I can tell that the local anesthetic is starting to wear off, so I’m going to take two Tylenol and begin praying that this is as bad as it gets. We’ll see.
You poor baby.
Dad has to have a root canal next week, too. When I had my appt. in Sept. for a crown, I also had the clamp. As one who has had TMJ issues for decades, I am still suffering the effects of having my jaw open too wide for so long. I pray you won’t have the same long-lasting effect.
Did I ever mention that when I had my first root canal, it was without any anesthetic. I was that phobic about needles.
A mistake that has not been repeated.
Next time, get the nitrous oxide. It may not help with the pain, but you won’t care.
Uncle Bill – I don’t even think this dude has nitrous available. I don’t recall seeing any tanks during my four visits over the past month. And hopefully there won’t BE a next time!!!!!
**goes to the store to stock up on Ice Cream**
Name your flavor (nevermind, it just hit me, you like that nasty Cookie Dough Kind)