Rockin’ Out

The music at church this weekend was rockin’. Up on stage we had:

2 keyboard players
2 guitars
bass guitar
3 singers

We opened with “Ants Marching” by Dave Matthews Band. That’s a band I personally can’t stand, but the song went over REALLY well and the whole band did a great job with it.

I had been worried about the rest of the set since Martha and I (the two keyboard players) didn’t really get to practice that much at the group practice on Thursday night. We spent most of our time trying to figure out what sound we’d be playing so that we wouldn’t duplicate each other. Then the same thing happened during soundcheck yesterday – we discovered we had both accidently selected a similar organ sound for one song. I quickly switched to a different sound and all was well.

The whole worship set was outstanding and enjoyable. I’m on tap again for this coming weekend and it’s going to be interesting because most of our band is on vacation for the Thanksgiving holiday, so we’ll have some new faces at practice this week.

02 comments on “Rockin’ Out

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    It’s not – but it was tied in to the message- it was also played during the last five minutes of the countdown before the service started.

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