So sorry that my first post here in over a month relates to the passing of yet another one of our animals, but the sad truth is that my first post here in over a month will be about the passing of yet another one of our animals.
Yesterday we had to put down Cooper the Dog after a short battle with cancer. He was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor back in October, and we didn’t know whether he’d have a few months or a couple of years. The vet told us it depending completely on how fast the tumor grew and in what direction (if it grew in the WRONG direction it would cause him not to be able to go to the bathroom anymore, if it grew in the “right” direction he’d have no digestive troubles and could go a bit longer).
Alas, since October the tumor grew from the size of a baseball to the size of a softball and grew in the wrong direction. The decision was made to put him down now before the tumor erupted or caused true physical discomfort and pain for him.
We got Cooper in late 2001 as a puppy. We were supposed to get him in mid-September but after 9/11 no animals were allowed to travel on planes, so we had to wait until the restriction was lifted in October. Fortunately the breeder in Georgia didn’t sell him to someone else!
He arrived at our house with VERY long ears, a terrific howl whenever he had to go in the crate, and the cutest face ever. We didn’t have the kids yet, but we did have the cats – who had NO IDEA what we were thinking bring that THING into their house!
As a result of being with cats his whole life, he sometimes exhibit cat behavior in the way he played and jumped around. He loved our backyard in New Jersey because he could run circle after circle after circle. He loved it so much he would refuse to come inside when called, being content to stay out there for hours.
He loved to snuggle on the sofa, and in the later years he loved to hog the bed at night, forcing me to sleep on the edge most nights in the past year or so. Sure, he begged for food ALL the time and wouldn’t give Denis any peace in the kitchen, but he was great with the kids, loved all animals, and was just the sweetest dog a family could have.
He will be missed.
Jaynee & the Cootie family,
My heart is broken. I remember when you got him. He was the cutest puppy and grew up to be a very handsome dog. He knows he was very much loved.
Aw, I’m so sorry to hear it. He was such a big sweetie.