I was supposed to close the latest round of the Celebrity Dead Pool last week. I didn’t, and now the next person has already passed away. Sadly, Amy Winehouse – she with the tremendous voice and talent – has passed away at the age of 27.
The latest round wasn’t closed yet, but either way, Mimi wins this round! She has had Amy as her pick since January 2008. At the time I thought Mimi would be a quick winner, so I guess it’s saying something that it took over 3 years for her winner to hit.
So with that we’re onto Round 9 already! You can make picks through Friday, July 29. Make a comment below with your choice, and you’ll be eligible to win a $10 Amazon gift card or a $10 Target gift card if your pick is next to go!
So, at least Kirk Douglas was spared! I was beginning to be concerned about NJSue’s picks!
Kirk again– and I only win every other time!