Remainder of Weekend

The rest of our weekend went well. We put up our Christmas decorations on Saturday – the tree is in the formal living room in the front bay window. We did minimal outdoor decorations since we don’t want to go too crazy this year. Denis is really determined not to put a lot of unnecessary holes in the wall like we did in NoNJ, so a lot of our typical indoor decorations are also not being done this year. Next year we’ll try and figure out a plan that allows us to decorate more with minimal damage.

The kids had a blast decorating the tree, although CootieBoy had more fun REMOVING ornaments than putting them on. And CootieGirl tended to put all her ornaments in the exact same spot so that she ended up with about a dozen ornaments on just two branches (we fixed that later).

I also made two more kinds of cookies for the takeaway at the White Elephant party (which is this Saturday! WOW!). So we have a total of six kinds of cookies to give away. Since we’re only having half the people come that normally attend (sad, I know), I’m not going to make anymore. But we’ve planned our menu and it should be a really EASY party to throw since it’ll be so sparse!