Random Question: Does Removing Wisdom Teeth Make You Dumber?

Yesterday CootieGirl had all four wisdom teeth removed. She had a dentist appointment as well as an orthodontist consult last week, but both recommended she talk to an oral surgeon about having the wisdom teeth removed because they were growing in at an angle and therefore pushing up against her molars (which was causing CG some pain now and again).

A couple days ago we went in for the consult and they quickly determined that yes, all four should come out. When would you like to have it done?

“Tomorrow?” I joked, half serious.

“We do have an opening at 9:30 a.m. in our other office, will that work?”


I was thankful that we could get it done so soon so that CG wouldn’t work herself up too much in advance. I quickly texted all of my co-horts at work to let them know I’d be working remotely the next day.

We arrived at the office and after an hour in the waiting room she was taken back. A short 45 minutes later, CootieBoy and I were taken back to her recovery room to keep her company. She was awake, teary, not quite sure where she was, and couldn’t feel her tongue. I know everyone is going to ask if she said really funny things worth videotaping, but I have to say that 1) they made me sign a form saying I would not videotape her in the office and 2) she wasn’t loopy silly like some of the videos you see on YouTube.

We did record her in the car, and other than claiming to have written “The Bridal Chorus” song you hear at weddings, she was fine. Once home I ran around town picking up meds in between working and trying to make her comfortable. Fortunately, I had CB there at home with her in case she needed anything while I was in line at CVS to pick up the prescriptions. He did really well with her – especially considering she was being a bit mean to him in an “I can get away with this because I can deny I said it later,” way. I told him what she was up to so he wouldn’t take it personally.

By last night she was feeling good – very little pain (thanks to high doses of Motrin), very little swelling/bruising (thanks to cold packs) and little to no bleeding (thanks to the package of gauze the doctor gave us to take home).

I haven’t told her the story of what happened when I had mine taken out when I was 19. Let’s just say mine didn’t heal up nicely and resulted in something very gross happening when I innocently chewed some gum about two weeks post-surgery. Just thinking of it makes me grossed out.

So here’s hoping her recovery goes well, and that even after this weekend she continues to avoid foods she shouldn’t eat (temptation may be too great once Denis and I are back at work on Monday).