CootieGirl is experiencing her first slumber party tonight. She and a little girl from daycare will be spending the day watching the girl’s older brother’s basketball game, followed up with a couple hours at Chuck E. Cheese and then the sleep-over portion of the night at the girl’s house. She was VERY excited when the girl and her family came to pick her up. We’ll meet up with her tomorrow at church (the girl and her parents have recently begun attending our church, too).
In other CG news, next week is her last gymnastics class. Ever. She’s just not good at it. Am I a bad parent for saying that? No. Because I know she’ll be good at other things. The real testament came from one of the other little girls in the class. I haven’t been to class in about 5 weeks because Denis has been taking CG. Well, this morning I saw one little girl – who was NEW when I last saw her – was now a powerhouse. She could do EVERYthing and do it exceptionally well. I was so impressed I approach the mom and told her she had a future gymnast on her hands. She laughed and said, “It’s ALL she does now – from morning to night she is practicing somersaults and cartwheels.” And that’s the difference – that little girl has a passion and LOVES it. CG just has fun on Saturdays when she goes to the class. But it isn’t a PASSION for her.
While we were there I arranged for CootieBoy to finish out his remaining seven weeks. So his session starts the week after CG’s class ends. And then we’ll be done with gymnastics unless CB suddenly becomes really interested in learning the moves and stops being a distraction in class.
Anyway, so after CG left for her fun day, Denis and CootieBoy went out to run errands so I could have a couple hours of quiet in order to work on my freelance project. I’m up to over 850 contacts typed up. I really think my friend underestimated how many names would need to be typed. I think it’ll be more like 1,300 names, not 1,100. A LOT of names. It’s funny when a name pops up that I know from my full-time job. “Oh – that’s one of our clients!” I think as I type in their address, not needing to look at the spreadsheet I’m working from because I already know the address from memory.
My only other plans for the day and evening will include reading more of the 2nd book in the “Twilight” series, making a batch of tapioca pudding, and catching up on my Tivo.