My commute took no time at all this morning, for which I was grateful because I left terribly late AND had to get gas for the car. I got here right on time.
It’s dead around here – the parking lot was empty because most companies in our building are closed today. All signs point to YES that we’ll be let out at 3 p.m. today.
Mr. Russell has already given me a couple things to do this morning and is telling me he’s doing expenses today, so that gives me something to look forward to. :crazy:
In other news today was PAYDAY which is always nice! And I also double checked our income tax statements and we’re still due our $600+ refund from NYS, although Denis thinks we won’t get that for a few more weeks since we didn’t e-file that one.
I found out yesterday that my office building dumps all of their flower bulbs on the side of the building and lets the workers take whatever they want. I had heard the bulbs will go out this Monday, but I spoke to a facilities guy just now and he said they won’t be available for a couple more weeks and that he’ll send out an email when we can all go get them. So I’ll bring in a couple grocery bags on Monday so that I can load up when the time comes at the end of the month. Hopefully the timing will be just right and I’ll get them while my mom is visiting so that we can have a bulb planting afternoon while she’s here.
Actually, I think you want to plant bulbs in the fall. So you may want to keep those for later.
We got our tax refunds this week, which was a nice bonus.
Yeah, it depends on what type of bulbs.
Guess Ace and I aren’t going out to your office on Sunday to pick up bulbs. Oh, well.