Question #4

Describe your ideal day.

1. Wake up feeling well rested and not the least bit tired
2. Breakfast in bed – french toast with perfectly sweet orange juice to drink
3. Take unlimited time to chill out and take my time getting ready for the day
4. Lovely weather – upper 60s, light breeze
5. Kids behaving perfectly – playing well together and enjoying each other’s presence
6. No pressing deadlines, no urge responsibilities to deal with
7. Maybe go catch a movie? read a book?
8. Take a nap – just because I can
9. Pleasant evening with the kids – again, no fighting, but peace and tranquility
10. Go to bed at a reasonable hour feeling like I got a lot accomplished.

04 comments on “Question #4

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Um, there is a disconnect there…your perfect day is spent doing basically nothing but you want to go to bed with a true sense that you accomplished something…??? LOL

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Now you understand exactly what Jane is all about. LOL Also, you notice the kids are mentioned in her perfect day twice. I don’t see me mentioned at all. Oh, yeah, that must be me serving the breakfast in bed. LOL It’s Jane’s World. We’re just lucky to be allowed to live in it.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Denis – you’d go to the movie with me, too. You wouldn’t just serve me breakfast. *lol*

    Look, I was TIRED. I couldn’t THINK STRAIGHT. I’m lucky I was even able to form WORDS at this point in the Blogathon.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    And Mom there’s no disconnect there whatsoever. If I have had a restful day with no irritability whatsoever – I’ve accomplished a LOT!!!

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