Progress on My Year in 30 Days

One of my co-workers asked me how my 30-day commiments were going. I had to confess that I forgot about my commitments while driving to and from Virginia this past weekend and had a chocolate milkshake on Friday night and on Sunday afternoon. Breaking BOTH of my commitments all in one shot.

However, Denis is being kind and advising me to just add time to my 30-day commitment to make up for it. So my “no eating out/ordering in” commitment will actually end on January 13 instead of January 11. And my “no chocolate” commitment will end on January 27 instead of January 25.

The no eating out thing is not that hard – I have lunch in the break room at work and I’ve discovered that there is one Lean Cuisine that is REALLY GOOD – the chicken club panini. I had my doubts about it, but I cooked it halfway in the microwave and then put it in the toaster oven for 3 minutes. It was DELICIOUS. I’ll definitely be getting that one again next time it goes on sale.

The no chocolate thing is much harder – but I’ve been making do. I have made a couple batches of tapioca pudding for when I crave sweet. The problem is, there is not enough tapioca pudding in the world to compensate for not eating chocolate. The smallest piece of chocolate is SO satisfying sometimes. So I’ll be happy when that 30 day commitment is over.

So that’s the update – I failed on both of them, but with Denis’ permission I’m just extending the deadline for each to make up for my failures.

One comment on “Progress on My Year in 30 Days

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    You don’t need my permission for anything. I’m glad you’re committing to this anyway.

    As far as the Chicken Panni goes, check the chest freezer in the garage. I bought some meals the other day at Costco because I thought you would like one of them and I would eat the other and I think one of them is that Chicken Panni. We’ll make sure. If so, I can pick up a few more.

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