Posts of Substance

I know my posts are lacking substance right now, but for the past hour I’ve been running after the kids. I finally got them upstairs to play and the sounds that came from up there make me fear what it looks like. *lol* CootieBoy has since come back downstairs and is playing with a couple of his toy cars. CootieGirl is playing quietly upstairs.

Denis just got home – turns out the Toyota dealership closed at 3:30 p.m. so he wasn’t able to get his van serviced. So he opted to enjoy some private time and went to a local restaurant to try their chicken wings. What cracks me up is that we have this HUGE pork shoulder currently roasting on the stove, and yet he goes and gets wings. What’s up with THAT?

I’m due for another tall glass of chocolate milk and I may opt to add a little Malibu Rum to it just for kicks.