Poker Night

Poker night is looking like it’s going to be a decent crowd. Once again, as with the White Elephant party, we’ll have 12 people, including Denis and me. But half our people have been switched out and we’ll have 6 people that did NOT attend the White Elephant party. Only Ace and Anthony are coming from out of town, the rest are locals. So it’ll be a nice mix. Six more people have still not even responded to the invite, so we may end up with more people, but at this point I think we may have our final count unless one couple in Fort Mill decides to come.

We’re still debating on whether we’re going to prepare the Asian food or just buy it from Red Bowl. Either way it was certainly fun testing recipes!

06 comments on “Poker Night

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    We can supplement with home made dishes and get a few sampler plates from Red Bowl. Of course, our stuff will pale in comparison to their stuff. Decisions, decisions.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Your wontons will NOT pale in comparison to Red Bowl – they are the best I’ve ever had. YUM YUM!!!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Meghan – if you want to take a trip out here BEFORE your move, you are more than welcome to come! If not, then you can come to our NEXT poker event – seeing as you’ll only be a couple hours away!!

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    I need to send Denis the name of this appetizer that Beau brought to me in the hospital from a local Thai place. It was some of the best calamari (is it still called that if it’s Thai food?) I’ve ever had.

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Jen, find out the name of the dish and I’ll see if I can find it. I have a Thai cook book which I am taking one or two of the party recipes from. I’ll look in it tonight to see what squid dishes they have. Was it an appetizer or main course?

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