Phew! These Kids…

So today was the first “all day with the kids” since before vacation and I’m wiped out. CootieBoy is a handful, to be sure. CootieGirl is at a point where she hates sharing, and it’s hard to teach her to share AND teach CootieBoy not to grab at things at the same time. Since CootieBoy is so young, he has no clue.

The miracle of miracles was that CootieGirl not only let me put her hair in pigtails but also kept them in for most of the day. She only pulled them out around 3:30 p.m. during a brief “sharing” tantrum stopper that involved her sitting quietly for two minutes. She got bored and pulled them out, then refused to have them put back in once her two minutes were up. But they were cute while they lasted.

I need a nap. I didn’t sleep well last night and was pretty much up at 4:30 a.m. this morning. Once the kids were up Denis let me hang out in bed until 8:30 a.m., but it was an active bedtime because CootieGirl was in the room watching tv and insisted on holding my attention with her constant, “Mama, look!”

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