What a FUN FUN night we had last night. We ended up with 22 people total (including Denis and me). And yet it felt more like 30 because the conversation flowed so easily, the food was eaten more than normal (we only have about a 1/4 left whereas in the past we usually end up with about 1/2 left), and a LOT of beer and wine was served (I counted five wine bottles empty, with one half empty).
There was a great mix of people – work, church, family, friends. And it all worked – it was fun to see my worship leader George talking with Jen’s husband Beau and Denis’ pal Ed – three thinkers discussing hot topics for a LONG time. And Amy met Janice, Denis’ co-worker, only to find out that they both dated the same guy long ago.
My Life group people from church – the ones I worried about the most – were the rowdiest ones of the bunch. At some point L-Train said something to me like, “Wasn’t it the CHURCH people you were worried about offending?”
The White Elephant game was awesome. The gifts were varied and strange – candy-dispending poop toys, Richard Simmons workout videos, a Native American sculpture, a Twinkie maker, and a book on “Toilets of the World” are just a few. At first no one was stealing – I think we got up to #10 of 22 before the first steal took place, and then it got wild. Nic’s husband Donnie had his gift stolen AT LEAST four times, if not more. Martha had hers stolen a couple times. Mine, sadly, never got stolen. I drew #19 and by then there were slim pickens and I ended up with a (broken) Santa doll.
The party broke up around 11 p.m. with people beginning to say goodbye after sampling some dessert, and by 11:30 p.m. or so the last of the guests were gone. While I winged the babysitter home, Denis took Ed back to his hotel in Charlotte.
Cleanup was a breeze – we got the majority of it done by 1 a.m., and this morning there were only the big things to do (clean the silver and put it away, clean out and bag up the recyclables, put away the alcohol).
Going over the party last night, Denis and I think this may have been the best one in a long time. It’s our ninth year hosting, and it had the same kind of energy and enthusiasm as our first couple of parties had when the event was new and shiny. We had a lot of people tell us as they were leaving that they were already thinking about gifts for next year’s event.
The good news? I have JUST ENOUGH food left for book club on Tuesday night! THAT’S AWESOME!!!!
Glad to hear that your party was a success! White Elephants can get so crazy
So glad to hear! I have to admit, I’m a little jealous. I’ve had a very hard time meeting people since moving to the city, and I’m yet to find a church to call home. Congrats on such a rousing good time!
Meghan’s last blog post..Change of Plans
Thanks for hosting another fun white elephant party, this was a really good one!! We enjoyed meeting more of your friends and co-workers as well as seeing guests from last year & of course, Ed. Food was great as usual (still would like the recipe for the potato thingies if you don’t mind sharing) and I think everyone now has the idea of what it takes to make a good “white elephant gift” chez Cooties.
Fun, fun partay! Hope to make it next year, too!
Thanks for a fun weekend. We enjoyed every minute of it…