I did the second coat last night (well, most of it – I couldn’t reach the very top section above the fireplace mantel). The color is definitely starting to darken and it’s NICE NICE NICE. It’s a great vibrant – but not obnoxious – color, and once it is “broken up” by the curtains, the lamps and the reframed picture, it’s going to be absolutely LOVELY.
First coat:

Second coat:

It’s definitely gonna need at least two more coats, to even out the splotches. Tonight I’ll be using a brand new roller brush and hope that helps make the paint go on a little more evenly. Then another coat tomorrow night. That’ll be four coats and I’ll be able to see whether I need to do a fifth coat on Monday night.
I admit that my first mistake was not putting up a grey primer to start, but since the wall has relatively little area for painting, I don’t mind putting on a couple extra coats of the red to get the smoother look.
Although if I end up putting on six coats and STILL have splotches? Well, then I’ll be ticked.
It looks great!!