I think I may be going to HR soon to talk about my job. I’m extremely overwhelmed sometimes. And Mr. BIL keeps bringing me more work to do. Yes, we have floaters that can do basic things like straight typing, or dictation, but for the most part it’s all stuff that needs me to do it.
TWICE this week Mr. BIL has given me a task and hinted that he wants me to take over the task from the paralegal to free up her time. That’s all well and good, but has he looked at my desk lately? I don’t keep it messy just to look like I’m busy. I’m actually busy. My task list has grown to 20 items long. TWENTY. That’s ridiculous.
Part of me is frustrated because Mr. BIL has no business taking on new cases, for reasons I won’t go into. But suffice to say his inability to handle the workload is affecting MY ability to handle the workload.
It makes me wonder just how good his former admin was. Because she was AMAZING if he worked like this. And needed to be paid a LOT more than she earned here. I’m normally good about handling work load, but I’m really struggling over here.
Today I’ll be skipping lunch AND working late. And not just because I’m trying to make up for this Friday’s absence. It’s because even with the extra hours worked I STILL won’t get any tasks marked off my list, but at least a couple will be close.
Okay, four new Cootiehog posts but too busy at work. Hmmmmm…I can hardly get your stay-at-home mom to post once a week on her blog. What’s wrong with this picture?
I post here to escape for a few minutes. If I didn’t, I’d be pulling out all my hair here at my desk. Trust me.
And it’s not like I’m surfing the net all day. I literally pop on, write a post for 60 seconds, then go back to work. The only screen I leave open all day is my gmail, and even then I’m usually not actively “in” gmail.
Mom/Dad.. please don’t fight
I’m sorry you’re going through this heavy workload – I can totally feel your pain. I also work at a law firm and I know how hectic and how frustrating it can be when you have an unorganized and somewhat demanding boss. I think it’s something they all learn in law school or something… how to wait until the last minute to do anything. My boss will come into work in the morning and tell me every hour that he has something important to get out today. Do you know what time I’ll get the document? 4:55. Every. Freaking. Time. Then he’ll be standing over my shoulder and pacing the halls asking me “is it ready yet?” Also, nothing can ever go out without being edited fifty thousand times. Like I said, I truly think there is some kind of secret law school course entitled “How to Torture and Abuse Your Secretary 101.” Hang in there.
If it’s any consolation, military bosses do the same thing! The ONLY deadline anybody knows is IMMEDIATELY if not sooner!