Our Landscaping Still Needs Work

Over the weekend Denis asked me if I had thought about hiring a landscape contractor to clear out the back section of our backyard. Right now it’s filled with debris, grass clippings, old firewood and who knows what else that we inherited when we bought the house. And maybe by hiring a landscape contractor we can also get some advice on what to do in that section of the yard where no grass can grow due to too much shading from trees.

As for the front, I’m loath to rip up the remaining ivy from the front because I fear that’s where our cute little nighttime frog lives during the day. Unfortunately, because of this we have had some of the ivy start to grow back – I’ve been pulling every little green leaf that comes popping up out of the dirt. We need to lay down some SERIOUS chemicals to kill that stuff, I fear. It’s a pity we can just have a contractor rototill the entire patch, but since our irrigation system runs through there, I’d fear the pipes would get destroy if we went that far.

Now that the weather is cooling down though, I’m hoping we can at least clean up the rest of the front. I can’t wait until 2010, when we can hire a landscape contractor to come in and really get it looking great for us.