So this morning I was riding the high of getting so many things done yesterday. And in one fell swoop that good feeling is gone.
Because the ONE project that Mr. Russell asked about a moment ago is one that I didn’t do.
And because he brought back his expenses (which I finished yesterday) and decided to add on more.
And because I’m now doing Mr. Sutherland’s contacts on THREE lists, not just the main database.
I was in a great mood this morning because Mr. Professor confirmed that I did the illustrations correctly yesterday, which was a major deal to learn how to do.
And it’s all gone and I just want to go home and have it snow 10 inches tonight so that I can’t get out in the morning and The Company closes for the day tomorrow.
Update at 1:06 p.m.: Yet another day with no lunch. I just found out that for each of the five illustrations I did yesterday one chart was incorrect. Mr. Professor is tweaking our template that we created yesterday and then I have to redo each illustration.
As for Mr. Sutherland’s contact database(s), I don’t see how he EVER did business because all of his lists are incomplete. One will have the name and title, another will have the name and company, and yet another will have the name and address but no company. And so on and so on. It makes me wish for The Old Company when HXM started working there – he had an old-fashioned Rolodex with over 1,000 business cards. I had to type each one into Microsoft Outlook. Monotonous, sure, but at least I had all the information on ONE card instead of three separate electronic files.
I know the feeling. I’m entering the names of about 1,000 U.S. consulates into our data base, and nearly every entry in the list that my user provided has to be checked. (No, Port Louis is NOT in Madagascar, it’s in Mauritius).