One of THOSE Days

So this morning I was riding the high of getting so many things done yesterday. And in one fell swoop that good feeling is gone.

Because the ONE project that Mr. Russell asked about a moment ago is one that I didn’t do.
And because he brought back his expenses (which I finished yesterday) and decided to add on more.
And because I’m now doing Mr. Sutherland’s contacts on THREE lists, not just the main database.

I was in a great mood this morning because Mr. Professor confirmed that I did the illustrations correctly yesterday, which was a major deal to learn how to do.

And it’s all gone and I just want to go home and have it snow 10 inches tonight so that I can’t get out in the morning and The Company closes for the day tomorrow.

Update at 1:06 p.m.: Yet another day with no lunch. I just found out that for each of the five illustrations I did yesterday one chart was incorrect. Mr. Professor is tweaking our template that we created yesterday and then I have to redo each illustration.

As for Mr. Sutherland’s contact database(s), I don’t see how he EVER did business because all of his lists are incomplete. One will have the name and title, another will have the name and company, and yet another will have the name and address but no company. And so on and so on. It makes me wish for The Old Company when HXM started working there – he had an old-fashioned Rolodex with over 1,000 business cards. I had to type each one into Microsoft Outlook. Monotonous, sure, but at least I had all the information on ONE card instead of three separate electronic files.

02 comments on “One of THOSE Days

  • Uncle Bill , Direct link to comment

    I know the feeling. I’m entering the names of about 1,000 U.S. consulates into our data base, and nearly every entry in the list that my user provided has to be checked. (No, Port Louis is NOT in Madagascar, it’s in Mauritius).

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One of Those Days

Today has been one of those days. About 20 minutes after one of my bosses arrived, he gave me four tasks. Just as I finished the first one, he gave two more. Just as I finished the second one – you guessed it, two more. And so on and so on until I had completed five tasks and had easily another 10 on my desk.

It’s now 1:20 p.m. and I have one task left (phew!) and have had no lunch. I fear that just as I finish it he’ll call me into his office and ask for a couple more things to do. He’s leaving early today, so my other fear is that he’ll dump a bunch of stuff on me as he goes flying out the door.

One of Those Days

Last night I didn’t feel well again. This pregnancy has really taken a toll on me – it seems that every 3-4 weeks I get a fever, chills and nausea for about 24 hours and then it goes away, still leaving me behind to feel like garbage. Baby Bean (or Cesar, as we call him here at work) is not treating me kindly.

The only good thing was that I am taking a vacation day on Monday for a mid-day doctor’s appointment (where I will bring up the monthly flu bug I keep getting). I sent out an email yesterday to my bosses telling them that I’m out on Monday.

This morning I was given half a dozen projects that have to be done today. The day that I HAVE to leave by 5 p.m. because I have to pick up CootieGirl tonight from daycare. It’s 12:30 and I have two of them done. One project is almost done – the four books just needs to be bound (we ran out of book tabs and so I can’t bind my books until we get new ones this afternoon). Another project is still printing on various color printers around the office. Another project is still in the editing stage. And yet another project is nowhere near done because the boss that gave me the project IS NOT EVEN HERE YET.

So add on top of the workload the fact that I’m still not feeling 100% (I still have the nausea from yesterday), and I got very little sleep last night because pregnancy-induced acid reflux decided to start playing it’s game last night, resulting in my sitting up in bed nearly half the night in order not to choke on my own bile, and let’s just say it’s not a very good day today.

Update at 1:52 p.m.: The boss who hadn’t shown up yet is taking a vacation day. Apparently he wanted to goof around on the first gorgeous day we’ve had in a long time. So I’m off the hook for that project. Sadly, that means Mare-Bear will probably have to finish it on Monday (I always feel bad when she has to do my work when I’m out). And currently I have three other sets of books sitting on my desk waiting to be bound after the tabs arrive (supposedly they are on the way). So I went from swamped a couple of hours ago to having it pretty well under control. I still feel like garbage. I had three bites of pizza and one slice of orange for lunch and couldn’t eat anymore.

Update at 4:24 p.m. – I actually managed to get all the projects done, except for the one with the missing boss, which has to be done on my day out on Monday. There’s a great sense of relief when all calls have been returned, packages have been picked up, travel reservations have been verified, and books have been finished. It was a BUSY BUSY BUSY day today. Thank God it’s Friday, and 4:24 p.m. at that!

02 comments on “One of Those Days

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    HIM: “What is that?”

    HER: “I think it’s bile.”

    That’s a good show that I miss. I’m assuming you can name it?

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Poor baby. Definitely bring up the monthly virus with the Dr. Hope you have a better weekend. Eats small meals. Are Tums your best friend again? 😉

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