My kids have done a bunch of nothing this summer. And that’s okay – I didn’t do anything during my summers growing up, other than spending a couple weeks at various grandparents’ homes to give my parents their own vacation time.
I take it back, they’ve done some stuff. A day in Pigeon Forge, TN. Lots of taekwondo for CootieBoy. A concert in Raleigh for CootieGirl. Carowinds at least once. We went to a Charlotte Knights baseball game. CootieGirl dogsat for an entire week. CG went to a driver’s ed course for a day (how on earth do kids now only have to go for a day but I had it for an entire quarter in high school?). Quite a few movies. LOTS of late nights for CootieBoy playing multi-player video games with his friends (including at least one all-nighter). Lots of TED Talks watched by CG on YouTube.
And a week from tomorrow, it all comes to an end for them. They’ve gotten their class schedules (she’s happy she is taking French, he is unhappy he did not get Guitar as an elective) and have finished their required summer reading (good thing since they are each taking English in their first semester). And soon it’s back to early (read: 10 p.m.) bedtimes, prompt morning wake ups in order to get to the bus stop in time, less fun computer time and more work computer time, and packing lunches for themselves again.
As for me, I’m hoping that my work schedule can be changed so that I walk in the door no more than 10 minutes after they get home from school. It shouldn’t be too hard of an adjustment to make since two of my three bosses leave for the day at 3:30 p.m. The third one most likely will not mind if I leave at 4 p.m. every day, even though she works until 5 p.m. when she’s not traveling. I’ll wait until school starts to make my case, once I know for sure what time the kids are getting home each day.
In any event, fingers crossed and prayers said that the kids have a great school year without teen drama, bad grades or poor decisions. From my typing fingers to God’s ears…