One Last Reminder: Why I’m Blogging for 24 Hours

Modest Needs is a great non-profit charity which raises money to give to those who have a sudden short-term financial need, whether it’s an unexpected car repair, a new washer/dryer, back rent, or a portion of a large hospital bill. People come to Modest Needs and put in their request, and then ordinary people like you and me, by donating money, help that person get the cash they need to take care of their problem.

I came up with the idea of doing the Blogathon on their behalf because of a pro bono client that my attorney helps out. Miz L has had a lot of difficulties in the past few years, most recently almost losing her house when she got behind on the mortgage payment. I was able to get a new payment plan in place for her with her mortgage lender, but she lives below the poverty level and her pension and social security do NOT cover all her various expenses each month. So anything that breaks the normalcy of her life is an amazing blow.

Last month a portion of her ceiling in her old house came crashing down. It turns out that the heat pump in her attic had been leaking water and it eventually caused the ceiling to become so damp that the ceiling just came crashing down.

Modest Needs would have been the perfect organization to provide the financial means to fix up her house. Modest Needs provides loans up to $1,000 for people, and that’s about how much it would have cost Miz L to fix her ceiling.

In the end, because Miz L doesn’t use a computer and didn’t know about Modest Needs (you have to apply for the help yourself, providing documentation as proof of your need), I opted to work with her social worker to get a charity group in there to fix her ceiling. A local church who works with that charity sent over some folks and they fixed her ceiling.

But when the Blogathon registration time came, I knew I’d be blogging for Modest Needs, in honor of Miz L.

I’ve adjusted my goal – I’d like to pass the $300 mark in donations for Modest Needs. If you can pledge or sponsor me to help me get past $300 – I’d appreciate anything you’d be willing to give. Even just $5 will help me get that much closer to my goal.