On Wills

Now that I work at a law firm, specifically in the trust and estate section, I think all day long about getting my affairs in order. Denis and I don’t have wills, and if we both were to die tonight then things would be a total mess. The kids would have no official guardians, and our families would have no idea what to do with our junk. Sure, if only ONE of us kicks the can we have life insurance that specifies beneficiaries, and our accounts are mostly joint and all that stuff. But it still makes me uneasy that we have two kids and no wills specifying guardianship should the need arise.

So I sent Denis some samples today of docs we do here at the office, to see what he thinks. I’ve told him that once we close on the house in October I want wills in place in case anything happens to us. Depressing, I know. But it’s important.

Do YOU have a will? If not, why?

Update next day: In answer to MB’s comment, I found this website: Legacy Writer which will allow you to do a full estate plan (Will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, and Living Will) for about $35 per person. If you want a simple will done that doesn’t require a lot of extra requests, the questionnaire only took me about 10 minutes to fill out and was easy to understand. I didn’t purchase the will I “created”, but it looks to be a nice option for folks out there who can’t afford an estate attorney.

07 comments on “On Wills

  • MB , Direct link to comment

    Nope, we don’t either.
    Can you foward me those same docs you sent to D or is that agains protocol …?

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    It’s amazing that Jaynee is pushing Legacy Writer because she found the web site when I keep telling her we have the exact same software that will create wills, POA, etc. but she keeps poo-pooing it. Not sure why, but I think it’s another control issue.

  • Colleen , Direct link to comment

    We just went to see our lawyer about a will. Been putting it off for 5 years but once we did it, a weight was lifted. We know the little guy will be where we want him to be.

  • Gwynne , Direct link to comment

    Since this is an area I specialize in on the accounting side, I see a few self-prepared documents (i.e. not done by an attorney) with some unexpected consequences, especially in the state law area…every state’s intestacy laws are different. I strongly encourage you to have whatever documents you come up with “blessed” by one of the attorneys in your office. And I’m not just saying that to protect the legal profession. 😉

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