On This Episode of “What Is CG Watching on TV”

CootieGirl rarely watches real-time TV. She is definitely a modern girl, preferring to watch TV shows in bulk on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Gone are the days of waiting week to week for the next episode. She binge-watched all thirteen seasons of “Supernatural” available on Netflix and ended just in time for Season 14 to start on live TV. But instead of watching the show week to week, she is content to wait for this season to pop up on Netflix and watch the entire season at once. Same with “The Walking Dead,” “Fear the Walking Dead,” and even “The Good Place” (one of the rare sitcoms she watches).

When she finished binge-watching “Supernatural” she was bereft at the lack of shows to watch before watching the one season of “Limitless” on Netflix. I went on the hunt and found a few others (“I’m not watching ‘Gilmore Girls,’ Mama.”), and now she is cycling through a few shows that are keeping her interested. She’s definitely into crime-dramas, it seems.

Psych – eight seasons long, she is LOVING this show and is already into the fourth season. We started watching in mid-September and it is her go-to show right now. And deservedly so – it is funny, interesting, and not yet predictable in that within the first five minutes you not only know “whodunit” but how and why (see “Monk” as a prime example of a show that should not be binge-watched lest you figure out their heavily-relied upon plot devices).

Bones – I wasn’t sure she’d like this one, but she took to it immediately. We’re just starting season 2, I think. With 12 seasons to watch, we’ve got a ways to go. CG likes the quirkiness of the characters that work in Tempe’s lab, as well as Booth.

Numb3rs – When it became clear that she liked crime procedurals, I mentioned this show, which ran for 6 seasons. When she asked what it was about I said, “A guy that solves crimes using math.” She laughed and was immediately on board. We’ve only watched half of Season 1 thus far, but she likes it.

Medium – I was a huge fan of this show when it originally aired, and last night I discovered it was available on Amazon Prime. It’s another crime show but in this one Patricia Arquette is able to communicate with the dead to help solve crimes. I remember crying at the end of the series finale. I encouraged CG to watch an episode last night, and she ended up watching four. So I’d say she liked it.

Pushing Daisies – this quirky comedy-crime show was not up her alley at all, which is a shame because it was a very charming show (that only lasted 2 seasons because it was difficult to find a big audience). NArrated by the divine Jim Dale, this was a show about a man who has the power to bring someone back from the dead for 60 seconds. He uses that skill to wake up the dead to find out how they were killed so that he and his partner could solve crimes and earn the reward money. We watched one episode last week and CG was not a fan, saying she’d only watch it when there was no other show that interested her. Bummer.

I may even try to find the original episodes of “Law & Order” to see if she’d like that show (just the first 20 seasons *lol*). I think she’d like that it’s half crime-solving, half trial). But I won’t let her watch the spinoffs since some of those get pretty dark. And she has no interest in the “CSI” shows. For now she’s content to cycle through the four shows listed above, with an occasional episode of “Chuck” thrown in for good measure and pure entertainment.