On Going To Shows

Today I’m sending in an application to show my artwork at a couple art fairs this summer. I’m hoping they will have a spot open (they do four shows, and the first one is in April but I plan on only attending that one to see what I’m getting myself in to). I’m calling today to verify that they still have spots available for local artists to set up booths.

In other news, I received my retail license in the mail yesterday as well as all my tax info. I’m glad I got it since I needed the business license number to put on the registration form for the shows this summer.

U Is For….UmbrellaI spent five or six days away from painting (I’m sure Denis thought I was getting bored with it already), but have come back with a vengeance. I’ve started a new series called the “Alphabet Series” in which I will be doing pieces like “A is for…Apple”, and last night’s edition, “U is for…Umbrella.” Then this morning I woke up from a dream in which I did another 3-4 paintings in one night. That’s a lot of paintings in one night (considering that once the kids are in bed I only have 3-4 hours before I pass out)!

So now the debate begins – I’ve done the first two in the Alphabet Series on 8×10 canvas board and have no more boards. I exchanged them all this past weekend for stretched canvases which are more expensive but considered higher quality. But then I had the idea for the Alphabet Series and went ahead and used my last two canvas boards. So do I continue the series on the stretched canvases and have two that are on boards, or do I stick with boards for the entire Alphabet stuff and use the stretched canvases for any non-series related pieces?

I also feel like I need to have artist postcards available at the art shows, in addition to my business cards. I’ll make that judgment call after attending the first show next week and seeing what kinds of things the other artists leave out for marketing purposes.

06 comments on “On Going To Shows

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    I guess the question is whether or not people will buy the whole alphabet. I’d say making the switch isn’t that big a deal.

    Have you considered doing boards that look like baby blocks? I’d buy Jesse’s name in the baby blocks.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    I have one already that’s called “Building Blocks” but it’s just three blocks with A B and C on them.

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    I love the alphabet series! Ditto the question about doing all of them. You might pick out some of the more popular or most-used letters. It sounds as if you are ready to really take off with your business ~ so proud of you!! Now, if I can just get some help with my new website, I’ll be hot on your heels!!

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Marmie, I’d be happy to help you with your new web site. When you come to visit next month, let’s talk seriously. I know you have some people at your church starting to help you, but I’m not sure where that stands.

    I think the alphabet series is great. People who have children who’s names begin with the individual letters would buy them. Not too many kids with a name that starts with U but otherwise you should be okay.

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