Okay, I’m Ready To Move Back Now

Why oh WHY did we leave NYC so soon?

Xanadu is being made into a Broadway musical and I am not there to be in the audience on opening night! That’s a travesty!

I’ve talked about “Xanadu” before – how much I love it, how I saw it eight times in the movie theater. Even now I have the entire soundtrack on my MP3 player and I own the video. At one time I knew almost every line in the movie and I don’t care how poorly acted it is, I LOVE “Xanadu”.

Oh I hope it’s a hit and that it makes it’s way down to Charlotte. Or better yet, I hope that Denis can score me some hot seats next time we’re heading to NYC. Because the next time I go to visit folks in NYC? I WILL be going to see this play.

07 comments on “Okay, I’m Ready To Move Back Now

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    A couple of things.
    One, you had better get tickets to that right now, because I predict this will “close on page four.” (a la “The Producers) Two, feel free to set up a weekend vacation for yourself to NY to get a break from the kids (and me). You can go see it then. Is there anyone in NY you can drag with you? Two bad you can’t get a cheap last minute fare and fly up one weekend. Yes, you can do that, but the odds of you getting tickets to the show are nill, especially if it’s a hit. LOL Three, when are they coming out with Star Wars: The Broadway Musical? Can we pre-order those tickets now?

    An aside: Not sure if it’s your mom’s computer, but the comment box is “broken” in IE on her computer. I don’t think it works this way when I use it at home.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    One last comment. After clicking through on your link, it may say something that the tickets are on sale only one month before the first preview begins. Don’t tickets usually go on sale months in advance of predicted blockbuster hits like “The Producers?”

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    I found this comment on the Web about the show:
    “do the producers not have much faith in the show? is that why they are opening it AFTER the current Tony Award cutoff?” (That can’t be good.)

    All of this reminds me of when Hollywood releases a movie but won’t let reviewers see it before it hits the theaters because they know they have a stinker on their hands.

    Get your Preview Tickets now!

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    I hope it’s a hit and runs for years so you get the chance to see it. But I still want to see Star Wars: The Broadway Musical.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Actually, that last comment was from me (on Marmie’s computer).

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