Of Music and Martial Arts

I don’t know about you, but our schedule has been full to the brim with activity! Just when I thought our calendar might slow down, it doesn’t.

Thursday night CootieBoy had his annual school band concert – it was only an hour long and went by quickly. He did a great job and confirmed that he wants to do band again next year (“so I can go on the Carowinds Amusement Park band trip”).

Friday night CootieBoy had taekwondo practice for the big team competition taking place this coming weekend. It was a good rehearsal and even though they’ve never been able to practice with all 25 team members at one time, it is coming along nicely. I know CB is very excited. We found out that the school he attends has almost 350 students, and of those only 25 were chosen to be on the team, CB included. I could see how proud he was to have been asked to participate.

Saturday we got up early and set up for a neighborhood garage sale. We just kind of threw out a bunch of stuff we’ve been meaning to get rid of, and ended up making $70 in three hours. Not bad! We sold some kitchen stools, some poker-themed dishes, some decorative flags, our old elliptical and some random potpourri vase Denis found in the garage, never opened. We are left with a handful of things that we’ll drop off to charity sometime this week. At some point CootieGirl came outside to keep us company (and try to sell some books (she made $1.50). I had music playing on my phone to keep from getting bored, and she kept asking me about the songs I was playing. The mix I had on was mainly stuff from about 1980-2010. No new music at all. After a while she said, begrudgingly, “I never realized how much cool music you listen to.” AH HA! I laughed and said, “I’ve been trying to tell you that for years.” She grinned and started making a list of songs she wanted to add to her Spotify playlist.

After we shut down the garage sale, CootieBoy and I headed to TKD again – this time for the group class. My first group class. And once again it was a lot tougher than expected. Once again I was sweating like crazy, and my heart rate was definitely up. The instructor in charge of my curriculum felt bad for me (I could tell) but was very encouraging nonetheless. Oh, and I was with a five-year-old student who clearly is in better shape than I am because he crushed everything the instructor threw at him. In any event, at the end of the 45-minute class, my hip flexors were incredible sore. I promptly went home and took a 2-hour nap in the recliner. That’s how intense the class was for me.

At that point we were waiting for Denis to get home from HIS adventure. The Wheel of Fortune casting bus was in town, and Denis went into Charlotte to see if he could get an audition for the show. Alas, he did not get picked, but he said it was a lot of fun to watch. He even made it onto local TV for about 1.3 seconds during a local news story that aired this morning.

On Sunday I worked production at church, after which Denis took the kids to the pool for a few hours. Then while he took the pets to the vet for their annual checkups (all good!), I took over pool duty before CootieBoy and I headed back for….yep, you guessed it…more TKD (this time it was team competition practice again). Denis said the vet adjusted Chilly the Dog’s age to be closer to 11 years old and that there was no way he was only 5 years old when we adopted him. Denis told them that we kind of knew he was older when his eye(s) got milky and his walking became more difficult just one year after we adopted him. Eleven years old sounds about right for him.

The rest of this week will be filled with more TKD (this is the last week of having it 6 nights a week since the team competition is this Saturday) and it’s the last full week of school for the kids. The week is filled with only a handful of actual schoolwork and a lot of free time watching movies in the classrooms, taking field trips, field day, and a host of other activities. I don’t recall it being that way when *I* was in school, but who knows? The kids are ending the year on a high note with decent grades. I’ll take that!