Now That’s More Like It

So I tried my hand at abstract again tonight – and finally hit on the winning formula for TRULY abstract stuff. I found a unique instruction online and gave it a try – and it worked! I now have a fabulous series of five abstract ACEOs available at Etsy, with more on the way. ACEOs are “Art Cards, Editions and Originals” and they are basically little mini pieces of art the size of a baseball card. There are some AMAZING ACEOs out there in the world, and people collect them just like actual baseball cards. The pricing for them can run the gamut from affordable (mine are listed at $4.50 each) to incredibly expensive (I read about one going for $400).

I also decided to try and do Mondrian-inspired ACEOs and have the first one up there as well. I did those using Powerpoint. Isn’t that hilarious? I created the patterns in a Powerpoint slide and then copied the pattern onto the ACEO card and painted in the blocks.
I was concerned about them being called a copy, but they aren’t – since I’m not copying his exact paintings – just the abstract style. I should have two more done in that series tomorrow.

I also posted a new painting yesterday – an elephant on a red background. I also have to finish another painting (a rubber duckie) and will probably try that tomorrow as well.

So it’s going well on the creative front – I’m still enjoying it tremendously!

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