I’ve decided to stay away from reality tv for the span of one week. Last night was easy – I went out to a Broadway play with my aunt who was visiting from out of town, so I wasn’t even home to be tempted. We saw “Chicago”, which I had seen a few years ago, but I was able to get discounted tickets for us, and it was just as enjoyable as I remembered. I got home around 11:15 p.m. and fell into bed after going through my mail.
Yesterday was a good mail day. I got my new DVDs from Amazon, as well as a stencil I ordered of the alphabet in Papyrus font so that I can do an original quote on the nursery wall. I’ve decided to go with “Sleep, little one, and dream of happy things to come…”, only I’m going to write it in FRENCH. I think it’ll be a nice little personal touch in a room that is otherwise staying as a guest room with a crib and some Winnie the Pooh pictures tossed in.
We also got our Netflix movies in and plan on watching at least one of them tonight, if not two. There’s no new Buffy on tonight, so it’s an easy choice to watch movies instead.
You’re not going to watch Celebrity Mole? I skipped JM last night…and probably won’t watch again until the last episode.
Make sure you get the French quote from someone who actually speaks French and not just from a phrase book. Their syntax isn’t always obvious.
Recording the shows and watching them next week doesn’t count!!!
There’s going to be an encore presentation of Joe Millionaire this Thursday, so you didn’t really miss anything this week.
D-I have no plans to watch another epi of JM until the finale. But thanks for the tip.
I’m not watching JM until the end either. Gah–it’s such a terrible show on the whole, but I’m dying to find out how the girl reacts.
Please keep in mind that “reality tv” is produced through the window of corporations who are responsible to their stock holders. “Reality” is in the mind of the beholder. Who will now produce “unreality tv.” ?
reality tv is another way to sell more advertising. pure and simple. it is fabricated. look at MTVs The real world. the beginning of reality tv. look at how mainstream corporate media has adopted and exploited this window of programming. makes you wonder how people get caught up with epi’s of JM, doesn’t it.?