No New Car for Me – Yet!

Earlier this week I test drove a car in the hopes of replacing my current hoopty.  The car was fantastic – zippy and fun to drive, comfortable, lots of bells & whistles that my 2005 vehicle can only dream of.

I told Denis that I would give it until Friday and if the car was still available AND still captured my interest, I’d contact my bank to see about starting the process of getting a loan.

It’s now Friday, and the car is still available.  But I have zero interest in buying it.  In my heart I know it’s not time yet to get a new car.

This weekend I’m working on creating a spreadsheet (naturally!) that lists out all the repairs I’ve done on the car for the past 5-6 years, including date of repair, cost of repair, expected length for repair to work properly.  Then I’ll have an idea of what expenses I *might* have over the next 12 months.  If the estimated repairs are less than I’d pay for a car, then I know I’m meant to keep the car a little while longer, whether it’s a few months or another year.

I’ll continue to focus on other things, and look for a car again in February 2020.  If I can’t find something then, I’ll look again in June 2020.  And the prayer is that God will allow my car to continue to run, with few repairs (or inexpensive ones at any rate) until the time has come that I feel I’m ready for a new car.