Nice Quiet Day About To Come To An End

Mr. BIL has been out all day, so my day has been quite pleasant – doing the occasional fax, letter, copy. Had a nice leisurely lunch reading my book. So stress, no running around. Very nice day.

However, Mr. BIL is due in at 3:30 p.m. So I know the last 2 1/2 hours of my workday is going to be a complete mess.

My only hope is that he opts to leave early since the weather is so nice. Maybe he’ll be in his convertible today with the top down and no desire to do any work after his hour-long drive back to the office this afternoon.

Here’s hoping!

Update at 5:30 p.m. YAY! He just left and said, “It’s too nice outside – let’s get out of here!” And so I’m gathering my stuff and heading home! YAY!!!