Nice Day

Today will be a nice day. Mr. Russell got called into Jury Duty today and won’t be in at all, and Mr. Sutherland is working from headquarters today. So I get to finish the tasks on my list:

1) Get out Xmas cards for Mr. Sutherland
2) Order tchotckes for conference
3) Update financial tables for Mr. Sutherland

Update at 1:32 p.m.: Xmas cards are DONE. Yay! I turned in Mr. Russell’s expenses from last week and filled out the registration paperwork for the February conference he’s attending. I didn’t turn that in to be paid yet though since I don’t know if he’s playing golf or not. I also haven’t ordered the tchotckes yet because I can’t find our current stash of giveaways – Mr. Russell wants me to match those items and until I see them I don’t know what to order. Who knows WHERE those giveaways are because our department is in a temporary space while they renovate the offices.